Belgrade city public transport is provided through a network of bus, trolleybus and tram routes run by GSP "Beograd" and bus services operated by private bus companies, on around 130 routes.
Single tickets can be bought:
- in public transport vehicles, from the driver or conductor
- at kiosks marked with a ticket sales sticker
- at GSP points-of-sale
BusPlus Info / public transportation in Belgrade
BusPlus system applies to all public transport vehicles (GSP, private carriers, Lasta and Bg Voz).
Selling places - GSP
The new terminals have been installed at the following locations:
• "Skender begova" 47, JKP GSP;
• "Deligradska" - Deligradska 10;
• "Republic Square" - TC "Republic Square"
Paper cards (most suitable for tourists)
If you are not frequent user you should buy a paper card which costs 89 rsd, and you can drive with that card 90 min. on all lines (for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone).
If you buy a ticket on the bus a card cost – 150 rsd
Paper cards witch you can use:
1 day for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone - 250 rsd,
3 days for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone – 700rsd
5 days for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone - 1000 rsd.
Prices of monthly electronic cards
For 1st public transportation zone – 2.990 rsd
For 2nd public transportation zone – 3.275 rsd
Belgrade City Transport Company
Dispatch centre (00-24): 011/366 4040
Automated call centre: 011/ 3033-370, 011/ 3033-371
There are also express minibus services which are a little more expensive, but also more comfortable and quicker as they do not stop at every bus-stop.
E1 Ustanička - Blok 45
E2 Petlovo brdo - Dorćol
E3 Medaković 3 - Blok 61
E4 Ustanička - Bežanijska kosa
E5 Zrmanjska - Zvezdara (pijaca)
E6 Mirijevo IV - Blok 61
E7 Banjica II - Dunav stanica
E8 Braća Jerković - Dunav stanica
The route of the line "Sparrow" is circular: OBILIC'S Wreath - Republic Square - Cika-Ljubin - Knez Mihail - Vuk Karadzic - Student Square - Uzun Mirkov - King Petar - Kosancic wreath - Marshal Birjuzova - Empress Milica - OBILIC'S Wreath, and along the route whose a total of 8 stops will be established in length 2.216m, specially marked with info totems.
Guevara City Bus electric vehicles are operating on the line. There are 3 vehicles in total, with departures every 10 minutes.
Working hours of the line are from 08:00 to 22:00.